A great quote that I read in the past is “grandchildren are the dots that connect the lines from generation to generation”. A grandparent’s heart towards their grandchildren is huge and there is nothing most grandparents would not do for their grandchildren. Unfortunately, criminals know this as well. The criminals are using their victim’s grandchildren to con money out of them. The scam goes like this…the criminal makes a phone call to an older individual. When the individual picks up the phone, the criminal will say something like “Hi Grandma/Grandpa, do you know who this is? Once the elder person uses the name of one of their grandchildren, the criminal is in. The criminal then proceeds to tell the grandparent that they are in need of money for rent, food, car repairs, etc. and ask the grandparent to wire the money to them. The criminal then proceeds to say something like “please don’t tell my parents, they will be very angry”. With an open heart, the grandparent opens up their wallet for the “grandchild” and the criminal receives the money. If you feel that you have been a victim of an elder fraud crime, please contact your local authorities.
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